

🔗 Animes

  • GET /api/animes/ Retrieve a list of animes.
  • POST /api/animes/ Create a new anime.
  • GET /api/animes/{id}/ Retrieve a single anime by ID.
  • PUT /api/animes/{id}/ Update an anime by ID.
  • PATCH /api/animes/{id}/ Partially update an anime by ID.
  • DELETE /api/animes/{id}/ Delete an anime by ID.
  • GET /api/animes/{id}/characters/ Retrieve a list of characters for a specific anime.
  • GET /api/animes/{id}/news/ Retrieve news related to a specific anime.
  • GET /api/animes/{id}/pictures/ Retrieve pictures for a specific anime.
  • GET /api/animes/{id}/recommendations/ Retrieve recommendations for a specific anime.
  • GET /api/animes/{id}/staff/ Retrieve staff information for a specific anime.
  • GET /api/animes/{id}/stats/ Retrieve statistics for a specific anime.
  • GET /api/animes/{id}/videos/ Retrieve videos for a specific anime.
  • GET /api/animes/{id}/reviews/ Retrieve reviews for a specific anime.
  • PATCH /api/animes/{id}/reviews/{id}/ Partially update a review by ID.
  • DELETE /api/animes/{id}/reviews/{id}/ Delete a review by ID.
  • POST /api/animes/{id}/reviews/create/ Create a new review for a specific anime.

🔗 Characters

  • GET /api/characters/ Retrieve a list of characters.
  • POST /api/characters/ Create a new character.
  • GET /api/characters/{id}/ Retrieve a single character by ID.
  • PUT /api/characters/{id}/ Update a character by ID.
  • PATCH /api/characters/{id}/ Partially update a character by ID.
  • DELETE /api/characters/{id}/ Delete a character by ID.
  • GET /api/characters/members/ Retrieve a list of character members.

🔗 Demographics

  • GET /api/demographics/ Retrieve a list of demographics.
  • POST /api/demographics/ Create a new demographic.
  • GET /api/demographics/{id}/ Retrieve a single demographic by ID.
  • PUT /api/demographics/{id}/ Update a demographic by ID.
  • PATCH /api/demographics/{id}/ Partially update a demographic by ID.
  • DELETE /api/demographics/{id}/ Delete a demographic by ID.

🔗 Genres

  • GET /api/genres/ Retrieve a list of genres.
  • POST /api/genres/ Create a new genre.
  • GET /api/genres/{id}/ Retrieve a single genre by ID.
  • PUT /api/genres/{id}/ Update a genre by ID.
  • PATCH /api/genres/{id}/ Partially update a genre by ID.
  • DELETE /api/genres/{id}/ Delete a genre by ID.
  • GET /api/genres/{id}/animes/ Retrieve a list of animes associated with a specific genre.
  • GET /api/genres/{id}/mangas/ Retrieve a list of mangas associated with a specific genre.

🔗 Home

  • GET /api/home/ Retrieve the home information.

🔗 Magazines

  • GET /api/magazines/ Retrieve a list of magazines.
  • POST /api/magazines/ Create a new magazine.
  • GET /api/magazines/{id}/ Retrieve a single magazine by ID.
  • PUT /api/magazines/{id}/ Update a magazine by ID.
  • PATCH /api/magazines/{id}/ Partially update a magazine by ID.
  • DELETE /api/magazines/{id}/ Delete a magazine by ID.

🔗 Mangas

  • GET /api/mangas/ Retrieve a list of mangas.
  • POST /api/mangas/ Create a new manga.
  • GET /api/mangas/{id}/ Retrieve a single manga by ID.
  • PUT /api/mangas/{id}/ Update a manga by ID.
  • PATCH /api/mangas/{id}/ Partially update a manga by ID.
  • DELETE /api/mangas/{id}/ Delete a manga by ID.
  • GET /api/mangas/{id}/characters/ Retrieve a list of characters for a specific manga.
  • GET /api/mangas/{id}/news/ Retrieve news related to a specific manga.
  • GET /api/mangas/{id}/pictures/ Retrieve pictures for a specific manga.
  • GET /api/mangas/{id}/recommendations/ Retrieve recommendations for a specific manga.
  • GET /api/mangas/{id}/stats/ Retrieve statistics for a specific manga.
  • GET /api/mangas/{id}/reviews/ Retrieve reviews for a specific manga.
  • PATCH /api/mangas/{id}/reviews/{id}/ Partially update a review by ID.
  • DELETE /api/mangas/{id}/reviews/{id}/ Delete a review by ID.
  • POST /api/mangas/{id}/reviews/create/ Create a new review for a specific manga.

🔗 News

  • GET /api/news/ Retrieve a list of news articles.
  • POST /api/news/ Create a new news article.
  • GET /api/news/{id}/ Retrieve a single news article by ID.
  • PUT /api/news/{id}/ Update a news article by ID.
  • PATCH /api/news/{id}/ Partially update a news article by ID.
  • DELETE /api/news/{id}/ Delete a news article by ID.

🔗 Persons

  • GET /api/persons/ Retrieve a list of persons.
  • POST /api/persons/ Create a new person.
  • GET /api/persons/{id}/ Retrieve a single person by ID.
  • PUT /api/persons/{id}/ Update a person by ID.
  • PATCH /api/persons/{id}/ Partially update a person by ID.
  • DELETE /api/persons/{id}/ Delete a person by ID.
  • POST /api/persons/{id}/create-picture/ Create a new picture for a specific person.
  • GET /api/persons/{id}/mangas/ Retrieve a list of mangas associated with a specific person.
  • GET /api/persons/{id}/pictures/ Retrieve pictures for a specific person.
  • GET /api/persons/{id}/voices/ Retrieve voice information for a specific person.

🔗 Playlists

  • GET /api/playlists/animelist/ Retrieve the anime list from playlists.
  • PATCH /api/playlists/animelist/ Update the anime list in playlists.
  • GET /api/playlists/animelist/animes/ Retrieve a list of animes in the anime list.
  • POST /api/playlists/animelist/animes/ Add a new anime to the anime list.
  • GET /api/playlists/animelist/animes/{item_id}/ Retrieve a specific anime item by ID from the anime list.
  • PATCH /api/playlists/animelist/animes/{item_id}/ Partially update a specific anime item by ID in the anime list.
  • DELETE /api/playlists/animelist/animes/{item_id}/ Delete a specific anime item by ID from the anime list.
  • GET /api/playlists/mangalist/ Retrieve the manga list from playlists.
  • PATCH /api/playlists/mangalist/ Update the manga list in playlists.
  • GET /api/playlists/mangalist/mangas/ Retrieve a list of mangas in the manga list.
  • POST /api/playlists/mangalist/mangas/ Add a new manga to the manga list.
  • GET /api/playlists/mangalist/mangas/{item_id}/ Retrieve a specific manga item by ID from the manga list.
  • PATCH /api/playlists/mangalist/mangas/{item_id}/ Partially update a specific manga item by ID in the manga list.
  • DELETE /api/playlists/mangalist/mangas/{item_id}/ Delete a specific manga item by ID from the manga list.

🔗 Producers

  • GET /api/producers/ Retrieve a list of producers.
  • POST /api/producers/ Create a new producer.
  • GET /api/producers/{id}/ Retrieve a single producer by ID.
  • PUT /api/producers/{id}/ Update a producer by ID.
  • PATCH /api/producers/{id}/ Partially update a producer by ID.
  • DELETE /api/producers/{id}/ Delete a producer by ID.
  • GET /api/producers/{id}/animes/ Retrieve a list of animes associated with a specific producer.

🔗 Profiles

  • GET /api/profiles/ Retrieve a list of profiles.
  • POST /api/profiles/ Create a new profile.
  • GET /api/profiles/{id}/ Retrieve a single profile by ID.
  • PUT /api/profiles/{id}/ Update a profile by ID.
  • PATCH /api/profiles/{id}/ Partially update a profile by ID.
  • DELETE /api/profiles/{id}/ Delete a profile by ID.
  • GET /api/profiles/my-profile/ Retrieve the authenticated user's profile.
  • PATCH /api/profiles/update-profile/ Update the authenticated user's profile.

🔗 Random

  • GET /api/random/anime/ Retrieve a random anime.
  • GET /api/random/character/ Retrieve a random character.
  • GET /api/random/manga/ Retrieve a random manga.
  • GET /api/random/person/ Retrieve a random person.

🔗 Recommendations

  • GET /api/recommendations/anime/ Retrieve anime recommendations.
  • GET /api/recommendations/manga/ Retrieve manga recommendations.

🔗 Schedules

  • GET /api/schedules/ Retrieve a list of schedules.

🔗 Seasons

  • GET /api/seasons/{year}/{season}/ Retrieve specific season information.
  • GET /api/seasons/now/ Retrieve the current season information.
  • GET /api/seasons/upcoming/ Retrieve upcoming season information.

🔗 Socials

  • GET /api/socials/o/{provider}/ Retrieve social information by provider.
  • POST /api/socials/o/{provider}/ Authenticate with a social provider.

🔗 Themes

  • GET /api/themes/ Retrieve a list of themes.
  • POST /api/themes/ Create a new theme.
  • GET /api/themes/{id}/ Retrieve a single theme by ID.
  • PUT /api/themes/{id}/ Update a theme by ID.
  • PATCH /api/themes/{id}/ Partially update a theme by ID.
  • DELETE /api/themes/{id}/ Delete a theme by ID.

🔗 Tokens

  • POST /api/tokens/jwt/create/ Create a new JWT token.
  • POST /api/tokens/jwt/refresh/ Refresh the JWT token.
  • POST /api/tokens/jwt/verify/ Verify the JWT token.

🔗 Top

  • GET /api/top/animes/ Retrieve a list of top animes.
  • GET /api/top/artists/ Retrieve a list of top artists.
  • GET /api/top/characters/ Retrieve a list of top characters.
  • GET /api/top/mangas/ Retrieve a list of top mangas.
  • GET /api/top/reviews/ Retrieve a list of top reviews.

🔗 Users

  • GET /api/users/ Retrieve a list of users.
  • POST /api/users/ Create a new user.
  • GET /api/users/{id}/ Retrieve a single user by ID.
  • PUT /api/users/{id}/ Update a user by ID.
  • PATCH /api/users/{id}/ Partially update a user by ID.
  • DELETE /api/users/{id}/ Delete a user by ID.
  • GET /api/users/{username}/about/ Retrieve information about a specific user.
  • GET /api/users/{username}/reviews/ Retrieve reviews by a specific user.
  • POST /api/users/activation/ Activate a user account.
  • GET /api/users/me/ Retrieve the authenticated user's information.
  • PUT /api/users/me/ Update the authenticated user's information.
  • PATCH /api/users/me/ Partially update the authenticated user's information.
  • DELETE /api/users/me/ Delete the authenticated user's account.
  • POST /api/users/resend_activation/ Resend activation email.
  • POST /api/users/reset_email/ Reset user email.
  • POST /api/users/reset_email_confirm/ Confirm email reset.
  • POST /api/users/reset_password/ Reset user password.
  • POST /api/users/reset_password_confirm/ Confirm password reset.
  • POST /api/users/set_email/ Set user email.
  • POST /api/users/set_password/ Set user password.